MAY 30/31/JUNE 1 2025

An informal gathering of solo paddlers, manufacturers, and vendors of solo canoes and paddling equipment.

The Western PA Solo Canoe Rendezvous is a gathering of solo canoe enthusiasts held always on the first full weekend of June each year at Cooper’s Lake Campground near Slippery Rock PA. It features various manufacturers and designers of solo canoes with demo models of their boats available for test paddling; demonstrations of, and informal instruction in FreeStyle paddling; assorted programs on various aspects of canoe design, construction, and use in the real world. It is a deliberately laid-back, relaxed, and informal event – very much made up as we go along. It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in solo canoes and canoe folks for a long weekend to the exclusion of all other reality.

Everyone is encouraged to bring their own solo craft, if they wish, since at least part of the experience is being able to look over (and perhaps paddle) an array of classic solo canoes that you just don’t see all that often. While the focus/emphasis is certainly on solo canoes, tandems are welcome too.

There is no charge for the Event per se, though the campground does charge a modest fee for Day-trippers, and of course assesses a fee for camping.

Click on the tabs in the menu at the top for more information and details on particular aspects of the Rendezvous. Clicking on the “Message Board” button will take you to our forum where there is discussion and up to-the-minute news and information about this year’s Edition.